Monday, September 27, 2010

What happens after the end?

In class on Thursday, I remember a little bit about The End of the World being mentioned.

Just as a note to anyone interested, I took Mythologies from Dr. Lansverk back in 2007 where we studied legends of the Norse Gods,and I learned of Ragnarök, The Final Destiny of the Gods. (Unlike many western Gods, in Norse mythology the Gods die!) The story tells of the final battle of the Gods, where the world is consumed in water and only two humans: Líf and Lífþrasir survive and repopulate the earth (sound familar?)
Pictured: Loki breaks free at the onset of Ragnarök
illustration by Ernst H. Walther (from the Wikipedia website)

Even though the Gods are dead, this is not the end. Humans begin the world anew.

Friday, September 24, 2010 the Bible?

Yep, it's true. The Bible is even more violent than I thought. When Professor Sexson revealed the fate of Jezebel and then the she-bears massacre of forty and two children, that was the moment the light bulb turned on. And we mentioned the censorship of these stories and how to approach them with young impressionable children.

Well, I do not have any children, but to me the logical answer would be like going to the movies. Unfortunately, the books of the Bible do not come with a rating system or warnings of explicit sexual content or pervasive violence throughout. But if you believe your ten year old can cope with "The Rape of Dinah" then go ahead and share. In the pages I have read, I have yet to find a pg-13 sequence in The Bible. So maybe you could just wait until they get a little older.

PS: from Wikipedia's article on The Liberty Bell:
inscribed with part of a verse from the Book of Leviticus: "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."

It just happened to be the featured article of the day and caught my eye.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poetic, or nonsense

Here is a collection or words and numbers that you can try and make sense of.

You may even find it enjoyable!