Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dream Parable

Yesterday when we brought up dreams again it reminded me of a dream I had last week. I do not remember many of the details, but I still want to post what I can.
I was at some kind of court hearing. I believe it was to decide the interpretation of the Bible and how it would guide the laws from here on out. Sounds fairly normal since many of our western laws (such as don't kill anybody) come from the Bible (don't kill anybody.) However, this was some kind of outer space alien hearing. (I apologize for going here again, but the closest thing I can compare it to is Star Wars, like in the Phantom Menace when all of the aliens in the senate are arguing... it was like that.) NOBODY in the "court room" was human. But here we were, trying to determine which of the Bible's rules we were going to follow and spread across the galaxy. (I think it was the Bible because one of the aliens had my little green copy of The New Testament that I bring to class.) Unfortunately, some of the pages had been ripped out of it. This really upset the leader of the gathering. He demanded to know who tore out pages of the sacred text. Of course, it was the same person who interrupted the proceedings the entire time by making frequent outbursts of nonsense and pointless sounds. Everyone was upset at this person. So who did the leader punish? The guy sitting next to the obnoxious asshole!

This man accepted his punishment (which was pretty severe, something like cutting his hands off or being put to death on the spot.) I was confused and even angry that he was going to be punished and the actual culprit was walking away with out even a slap on the wrist! He was the one who tore up the Bible, why don't we cut his hands off and leave the other guy alone? I asked the leader and he said, "Because he stood by and did nothing to stop him."

Talk about unexpected. Somebody being punished not because he tore up the sacred text or because he interrupted a crucial conference, but because he failed to stop another from doing so when he had the chance. (Kinda like a Spider-Man guilt trip... oh no, Uncle Ben... sorry, again.)

I woke up soon afterwards and every time I think of the dream it reminds me more and more of the parables that just attack your expectations and make you question... well... right and wrong.

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